Swedish National Forensic Center NFC needs to instruct their personal more in IT Security awareness
Today I travelled back from Stockholm where I have been for an interview at Defence Ministry as Chief Engineer for IT Security.
Near me was a higher employee from Swedish National Forensic Center.
He was accompanied by several other persons from same authority.
He started to read some job related mails and talk with his mates about them.
I concluded they were on a job related matter travel at Stockholm and returned back.
The fact they were discussing openly job matters made me curious to check their security awareness.
Using a special modified Bluetooth scanner and promiscuous sniffer,
I noticed they had mobile phones, tablet and smart watch widely open to Bluetooth attacks.
Well, I made a sign to their chief and asked to follow me few meters away to discuss a private matter.
He followed me, then I informed him about the risks he is exposing himself and confidential information from his workplace.
He replied he was aware.. but all the devices he used were ...his private..not official from NFC.
Strange... personal smartphone but from same phone he read official mails and messages to his job comrades.
I'll just to my duty and inform NFC about the events and that they need to rise awareness of their employees when it comes to IT Security.