05 July 2021

210705 Kaseya or Application Specialist urgently needed

 Recent Kaseya events just remind me of my comment on Solar Winds affair:


Well, same story happens again: blind and dumb trust in well-known US software company. 

Or what happens when you cut costs by outsourcing at any price and not using own application specialists.

In Sweden we have full fun: major companies are completely blocked or partially blocked: Coop, SJ...

I remember when working as Application Specialist at SAAB, I provoked rumour when I said that I discovered hidden malware on a CD received from the renowned German company Rohde & Schwarz.

Impossible, absurd...but I was right in my assessment.

Nowadays, being an Application Specialist, is no longer important, who cares to test and reverse engineer/repack updates from Microsoft, Adobe, ... Kaseya, Solar Winds...?

Consequences? Russian hackers become rich on criminal activities and dumb arrogance of chiefs obsessed by cutting costs at any price.

We need Application Specialists in Windows softwares among others, only Linux techies are not enough...:), because advanced filtering firewalls from Israel Check Point are too expensive to be affordable.

Also not anyone is using multi- layered security solutions for email servers and intranet.