07 November 2018

181107 - Swedish Digital Bank-ID hacked again - How secure is e-krona - open letter to the Swedish State

181107 - Swedish Digital Bank-ID hacked again - How secure is e-krona - open letter to the Swedish State



Swedish Digital Bank-ID hacked again:

Swedish Digital Identification System BankID from Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB byepassed on Android:

In theory Swedish Digital Bank-ID should be unique, impossible to copy or restore on another device (smartphone, tablet, etc.)
In practice, despite permanent updates and higher security requirements, it is still hackable even on latest versions of Android and ... unrooted phones!
Hence the legitimate question: How secure is a non-cash payment system?

Risk factors: international conflicts, cyberwarfare, dependency of foreign powers, all affecting Sweden national independence as a sovereign state.

Above 2 reference articles just want to expose how vulnerable is a non-cash payment system based on Internet traffic, foreign powers and naive trust in completely digitally solutions.

Björn Eriksson already showed the danger of nedmonteringen av kontantsystemet in sk Kontant Uppröret.

All digital payment systems are based on US companies and Swedish private banks totally controlled by big foreign actors.
The duty of Sveriges Riksbank is to protect the interest of Swedish people and Swedish National Interests.
What happens in case of a military conflict or natural disaster which cuts the digital communication lines?

How can Swedbank or Nordea then guarantee a sustainable paying system for all swedish citizens?
How can VISA or Master Card guarantee a working payment system?
How can e-krona exist if communications are disrupted?
How can e-krona be used in foreign countries?
Unpleasant questions.

They all say today cash paying is too expensive! Really? Or todays banks greed is too big and the banking system has become an Overstate inside the State?
The actual banking system is not yet capable of having a 100% secure paying system and 100% secure digital identification system!
Yet the banking system is working fully for a total dependence of The National State versus Banking System!
This is no longer Democracy but a return to early stage of 1800 Capitalism.

It is the duty of Sveriges Riksbank and Swedish Government to guarantee a working all-situations payment system, totally independent from Private Banking System and Foreign powers. Only the existence of cash-payment system can guarantee the same freedom to all swedish ciitzens, independent of external conflicts, cyberwar, greedy foreign actors and states.
It is total madness and inconscience to believe in a cashless paying system, which is totally vulnerable and can make a country to lose its national independence.
Nathan Rothschild: "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws" is more actual than ever.

Zeno Sloim
IT Security Expert
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zeno-sloim-6121a6136
IT Security Blog: https://zenosloim.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZenoSloim
Email: zeno.sloim@gmail.com

10 October 2018

Swedish digital Bank-ID "hacked" again

It was last year when I managed to "hack" Swedish digital Bank-ID,  which is the most widespread digital identification and signing/certifying method in Scandinavia and other European countries.

Platform was Android 4.x Samsung Note 4 rooted.

Titanium Backup was used for hacking.

I cooperated with the Swedish company Finansiell Bank-ID AB, the developer and maintainer of the product.

The backdoor was corrected by eliminating Android 4.x as accepted OS, demanding at least Android 5.x and using TPM.

Well, it was sufficient for almost 1 year, until now.

Test platform was Android 6.x Samsung Note 4 rooted and Android 8.x Motorola G6 Plus rooted.

Swedbank latest version Android app and Finansiell Bank-ID latest version Android app. 

Test was done today 2018-10-10, against Finansiell Bank-ID auth server.

A special modified TWRP recovery was the "tool".


It seems that new security demands must be asked and following the actual trend:

- SuperSU sold to bogus "chinese" company in USA and abandoned developing

- SuperSU totally eliminated from Google Play

- Huawei no-longer giving bootloader unlocking codes

It seems that it will be a harsh race between Rooting a device and using that device for banking operations or digital authentication.

16 March 2018

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