17 November 2021

211117 use chemical solvents as antihacking tool

 Use chemical solvents as antihacking tool.

Guaranteed for any Apple, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Java, Linux, or any other platform using password for log in to access the device or using tokens for OAuth to banking services.


Using a password implies using a physical keyboard (ex. BlackBerry) or a virtual keyboard generated on the screen.

Every person has a particular way of making the input of password: timing between individual keystrokes, pressure of individual keystrokes, physiological health - amount of perspiration and fat substances on fingers, resulting in particular amounts of chemical traces left on surface of keyboard (physical or virtual).

Up to day there is no device with virtual keyboard which aleatory generates the geometry (disposal) of the individual tastes (buttons).

UV-analyzers used by enforcement agencies for taking fingerprints can map exactly the areas with specific amount of human perspiration and fat on surface. This identifies exactly which symbols were used in password.

Spectrometers can measure exactly the amount of rests, hence the older of each individual trace. This identifies the succession of the symbols.

So your password is revealed.

More: most token based OAuth for banking services are using only digits, making easier to reveal the password.

How many persons use to use a chemical solvent to wipe the keyboard of their device after use?

So, use a chemical solvent to wipe your keyboard or DO NOT USE A PASSWORD, only fingerprint or iris-recognition for login and banking services.