23 December 2013

Marina Vlady - Romania 1985 - French Diplomatic Courier - Thomas Wauquier

Marina Vlady - Romania 1985 - French Diplomatic Courier - Thomas Wauquier

I was born in Romania on 1959. My first film I saw was at 4 years old and it was "LA SORCIÈRE" = "THE WITCH" = "HÄXAN" (in Swedish).
The beauty and the fascinating Marina Vlady has changed for ever my life. Due to this film I am now living in Sweden, the country where LA SORCIÈRE was filmed. The mysterious and fantastic beauty of the northern nature and of Marina Vlady became a continuously coordinate of my life.

I started to collect a lot of information (photos , articles in newspapers and magazines) and also redacted a lot of my own material dedicated to Marina Vlady. I worked for more than 7 years (between 1979 and 1986). I wanted that my work and the whole material should be saved and sent personally to Marina Vlady in France. Don’ t forget it was under Ceausescus dictatorship in Romania , when you lived like in a concentration camp. I could never receive a passport to travel abroad. Even if I tried many times to obtain a passport to visit France, I was always refused by the Romanian authorities.

The only way to save my material about Marina Vlady was via diplomatic courier. So I came in contact with the French Cultural Attaché in Bucharest, on 1985, Mr. THOMAS WAUQUIER (actually France ambassadorin Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We met together few times , he was very glad to help me and save the material – which he considered to have a cultural value for France and the French culture. Because all the material filled a box ( 60cm x 40cm x 40cm ) we shared the whole in three small packages to be taken out Romania via diplomatic courier from the French Embassy in Bucharest. In early 1986 Mr. THOMAS WAUQUIER left his post in Bucharest and he was replaced by Mr. BOUZIGUES. Because I continued with my work of collecting material related to Marina Vlady, Mr. THOMAS WAUQUIER introduced me to MR. BOUZIGUES indicating he should continue to help me to use again the diplomatic courier for taking out the coming material from me.
Until I left Romania for ever in April 1987, I met Mr. BOUZIGUES few times and gave him the new material.

It was due to Mr. WAUQUIER that I have received the address and the secret telephone number of Marina Vlady and of her sister from the French Diplomatic Telephone Book.

When I arrived in Israel in 1987, I phoned to Marina Vlady but she said he never received my material.

After years , when I arrived in Sweden , I contacted again The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Personal Direction , to find Mr. THOMAS WAUQUIER and Mr. BOUZIGUES.

I received an answer signed by a Mrs. CHANTAL CHAUVIN , with nr. 2836 PLD, dated 1992 April, 23. She informed me that my letter was forwarded to Mr. BOUZIGUES , but Mr. WAUQUIER never existed or belonged to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs !!

Quite amazing ! Mr. Wauquier was the French Cultural Attaché in Bucharest until early 1986, and now he never existed !

I regret very much the loss of my years of work dedicated to Marina Vlady, not to mention the cultural value of the material dedicated to one of the most popular actresses of Europe and France.

Perhaps now after years , the Romanian Secret Service or the French Secret Service will explain and clarify the disappear of my material dedicated to Marina Vlady and taken out (?) via French diplomatic courier from Bucharest between 1985 and 1986.

In 2008 I managed to discover the internal email address from the French Foreign Ministry and wrote directly to Mr. Thomas Wauquier, now France ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He replied me he did not remember anything and kindly invited me to Paris to meet him.
I thanked but never went to Paris.

I also want to make publicly the whole story, hoping that by this way, maybe, the material will appear again and will arrive to the person it was dedicated to, MARINA VLADY !

Zeno Sloim

22 December 2013

Open letter to authors of Mozilla Firefox Browser for Android and Siber Systems RoboForm for Android

Open letter to authors of Mozilla Firefox Browser for Android and Siber Systems RoboForm for Android

I wonder how long can go your claim to respect privacy of your customers and your public declarations appeared after Snowden leaks?

I wonder because it seems that the fact that you are physically located on USA territory and jurisdiction, makes the NSA dictate to your policy, activity and principles.

Otherwise I do not see any other reasons for the fact that your products for Android have dropped all local import-export of user data, and instead everything is done in the cloud, where NSA have direct physically access to everything, breaching the 4th amendment of USA Constitution.

It's ridiculous hypocrisy to pretend that syncing in cloud is modern and easy for everyone.
I would have believed if your products should have the OPTION that customer DECIDES to choose between Sync in the cloud and Local storage or both!
But not to force every Android user to send its private data somewhere where USA authorities breach the USA and international laws and violates the integrity of private user data.

Zeno Sloim

15 December 2013

Zeno Sloim Romania Ski Webcams for Android 2013.12 - build date 2013-12-15

Zeno Sloim Romania Ski Webcams for Android 2013.12 - build date 2013-12-15

This program is dedicated to the memory of my beloved parents Marcu and Regina Sloim.
My mother was a professional photographer and member of FIAP (Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique - www.fiap.net) and one of the most known photographers of Romania between 1975-1990 (when she moved to Sweden).
Most people of the city of Iasi, Romania remembers her well.
She inspired me in professional and nature photography.

This program: Zeno Sloim Romania Ski Webcams for Android 2013.12 - build date 2013-12-15 is inspired also by my program for Windows Mobile called:
Zeno Sloim Romania Webcams: http://zenosloim.blogspot.com/2013/10/zeno-sloim-romania-webcams-20132-build_14.html.

The Android program includes ski and mountain webcams from Romania and is a "winter" version of my program for Windows Mobile.
Later I'll publish also an Android version of Zeno Sloim Romania Ski Webcams.
The program itself is an xml database for one of the best webcam programs for Android: Hit-Mob (Robert Chou) IP Cam Viewer Pro.
Install Hit-Mob (Robert Chou) IP Cam Viewer Pro and import my xml database.

Download link: http://web.comhem.se/~u51763362/cameras.xml

For those who love my country Romania and its mountains.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014!

With kind regards,

Zeno Sloim

08 December 2013

Pungesti Romania - ordinary people against Chevron

Pungesti Romania - ordinary people against Chevron

These are the results of Chevron's activity in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, Canada.
High increase of the rate of certain cancer forms, due to the contamination of the underground water resources.
The local population (mostly native indians) acused the Canadian Government of attempt to manipulate and silence the protests and the medical report which makes Chevron direct responsable.

Iata urmarile exploatarii gazelor de sist de catre Chevron in Fort Chipewyan,provincia Alberta, Canada.
Cresterea puternica a incidentei mai multor forme de cancer in urma contaminarii pinzelor subterane de apa.
Populatia locala a dat in judecata autoritatile canadiene pentru incercarea de musamalizare a situatiei si de protejare a companiei Chevron.

Oil sands health survey for Fort Chipewyan, Fort McKay hit by setback | Financial Post:

Fort Chipewyan cancer study - Alberta Health Services:

Oilsands Health Survey Of Fort Chipewyan, Fort McKay Collapses:

Fort Chip cancer rates higher than expected: report - Edmonton - CBC News:

Care este solutia juridica in cazul Pungesti Romania?
Cum se poate bloca pe cale legala activitatea de forare a Chevron?

Which is the juridical solution in case of Pungesti Romania?
How can people block Chevron's activity by juridical means?

Solutia este una si genial de simpla, juridic.
Respectarea dreptului la proprietate privata.

Solution is simple and genius simple, juridically.
Respect to the right of private propriety.

Exploatarea Chevron implica tehnic forarea pe verticala pina la adincimea de 3-5 km.
Urmata apoi de forarea unor canale pe orizontala pe unde urmeaza sa fie pompat sub presiune compozitia lichidul de fracturare hidraulica:

Vedeti imaginile:

Chevron technical exploitation involves vertical drilling up to a depth of 3-5 km.
Followed by the drilling of horizontal channels where to be pumped under pressure of hydraulic fracturing fluid composition:
See pictures:


Exact in portiunea orizontala de forare este solutia juridica de blocare a exploatarii.
Perimetrul Chevron este de citeva sute de metri patrati, ce asigura din punct de vedere o publicitate favorabila, aparent o zona limitata.
In acest perimetru potrivit legii, este proprietatea privata a Chevron, ce trebuie respectata.

Dar... inafara acestui perimetru sint proprietatile private ale locuitorilor din zona, pe care, in urma forarii, Chevron le incalca!
Este imposibil din punct de vedere tehnic a limita galeria orizontala de forare la o raza de citeva sute de metri, in interiorul zonei proprietate a Chevron.
Deci, toti proprietarii de terenuri din jurul perimetrului Chevron sa dea in judecata Chevron si statul roman pentru incalcarea dreptului la proprietate privata!

In plus sa ceara ca Chevron sa dovedeasca direct (se poate vizualiza direct prin microvideocamera atasata la capul de forare, distanta parcursa de capul de forare) distanta pe orizontala forata.
Procesul de forare implica dupa faza primara de forare finalizata a galeriilor (verticala + orizontala), a doua faza de inspectare a galeriilor forate, faza in care la acelasi cap de forare se ataseaza si microvideocamera.
Exista si echipamente care in capul de forare au incorporat microvideocamera protejata sub lentila de cuart-diamant si permite vizualizarea simultana in orice moment al forarii.

Just in drilling horizontal portion is the legal solution to block exploitation.
Chevron perimeter is several hundred square meters , providing legally favorable publicity , apparently a limited area .
Law in this area is private property of Chevron , which must be respected.

But ... outside this perimeter are private property of residents of the area , which , after horisontal drilling , Chevron breaks the law !
It is technically impossible to limit horizontal drilling gallery to a radius of several hundred meters , within the area of the Chevron property .
So , all around the perimeter landowners must sue Chevron and Romanian state for violating the right to their private property !

In addition to demand that Chevron to prove directly (viewable directly through microvideocamera attached to the drill head, drill head distance ) distance horizontally drilled.
The drilling process involves 2 phases: primary phase (drilling of galleries vertical + horizontal), the second phase: inspection of galleries when to the drill head is attached a microvideocamera for inspection.
There is also drilling equipment with incorporated microvideocamera protected under the lens of quartz - diamond in the drillhead and allows simultaneous viewing at any time during drilling .
